天におられますお父様、私はあなた無しではもう生きていけません。何度も自分の力で試みましたが多くの失敗を重ねました。私が今日この日まで背負ってきた全ての重荷を、私の心から取り除いてください。あなたを信じる事を助けてください。そしてあなたから離れて生きてきた私の罪を許してください。私はあなたが私の主であると信じます。今日からあなたに私の全ての信頼を置いて生きていきます。イエスキリストの御 名によって祈ります。アーメン
悪魔は元々プライドの高い天使でした。そして神様の様に君臨する事を望み、その事が元で天の国から彼に従う三分の一の天使が落とされたのです。そして、人類もこの悪魔の考えに従う様になったのです。これが罪の始りです。この罪が私たちの中に入る時、神様との関係が絶たれ神様と話す事すら出来なくなったのです。なぜなら神様は聖なる方だからです。次の様に考えてみて下さい。神様は、彼の臨在にあって完全であり、罪(暗闇)のない方です。これはつまり、神様と人間との間に溝が出来てしまった事を意味します。これは全く希望のない状況であります。私たち人間には、この溝を埋める事がどうにも出来ない事になりますよね?いいえ、違うんです!神様は彼の一人子イエス様を私たちの様 な人間としてこの世につかわして下さいました。しかも彼は一切罪を犯しませんでした。イエス様は、完全な方だからです!イエス様は神様のと同じ力を持っていたのにも関わらずそれを見せびらかせずに、ただ単に謙虚に神様に従い抜いたのです。
聖書にある時代では、罪の許しを受け取る唯一の方法は、動物を犠牲として捧げる事でしたが、罪を犯す度に、その犠牲を捧げないといけなかったのです。そんなことは今の時代出来ない事ですし、またそんな事する必要もなくなったのです。宗教家のリーダーがイエス様を逮捕する為にやって来た時、イエスは自分の身を彼らにゆだねました。私たちの罪の犠牲として、彼自身を捧げたのです� �これは本当に特別な犠牲であり、私たち人類全ての罪を永遠に覆う、一回だけなされるべきものだったのです。そして私たち人間がすべき事は、イエス様を神の子として信じ、彼を私たちの人生に受け入れ、罪を告白して彼の許しを受け取ることなのです。これをするならば、神の御前と進む事が出来るのです。祈りを通してそれを成す事が出来ます。
If you are ready to experience hope then now is the time to pray and make a decision to give your life to Jesus. He is waiting to receive you in His arms. Please take the time now to pray with me.
Heavenly Father, I know that I cannot live without you. I have tried and failed so many times. Cleanse my heart from all the burdens and weights I have been carrying. Help me to trust you. I ask that you forgive me for walking apart from you all this time. I believe you are Lord. I put all my trust in you from this day on. In Jesus name amen!
If you prayed that prayer you have made the most important decision of your life. You have become a child of God. You have now stepped into your calling and have a tremendous purpose for your life. No longer are you without hope. Jesus is the hope of our salvation. God has called us and planned a great future for us. This does not mean that no bad thing will ever happen again, but when they do you have God on your side fighting on your behalf. He will never leave you or forsake you!
If you have never heard the Good news of Jesus Christ then I would like to briefly share it with you. We were created by God to know Him and be known by Him. However, mankind made a bad choice to disobey God and follow the devil's lies.
The devil was an angel who became prideful and wanted to be like God, thus being thrown out of heaven with a third of the angels who followed his thinking. So, now we too followed his thinking. This is the beginning of sin. When sin entered us we could no longer go to God and talk because God is holy. Think of it this way. Light is absolutely light, there is no darkness in it at all. God's holiness is the same concept. He is perfect and no sin (darkness) can be in His presence. This meant that there was suddenly a gap between man and God. In this situation it would appear hopeless. Nothing could be done for us now... right? Wrong! God sent His Son Jesus to live on this earth just like we do but without sin. Jesus was perfect! He had no magic powers like a God but He simply was obedient to do everything God told Him to do.
He made the religious leaders angry because he pointed out their hypocrisy and they decided to kill Him. One thing they did not know was that was all God's plan.
In Bible times the only way to receive forgiveness for sins was to sacrifice an animal, but you had to do that every time you sinned. We can't do that in this day and age, and we don't have to. When the religious leader came for Jesus to arrest HIm, He willingly went. He offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins. This was such a special sacrifice that it only had to be done once to cover everyone's sins forever. All we have to do is believe Jesus is the Son of God, accept Him in our life, confess our sins and receive His forgiveness. Once we have done that we are able to come before God. We come before God through prayer.
Prayer is just like having a conversation with your father. Only in prayer it is with our heavenly father. So, if you are willing to make the commitment in order to find hope and meaning for you life. pray the pray we prayed above. This will radically change who you are inside.
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